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why so many straight people?

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: why so many straight people?

Why are there more straight guys at this site than transgendered people?

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June 25, 2012
Posts: 21

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It's interesting... sadly for me, most of them aren't women.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

` It's just a language problem. I'm surprised by the MtFs who call themselves "straight" women, and who want to connect with "straight" men.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

Most Male-to-Female transsexuals are not that way because they are attracted to men, its because they have other compelling reasons such as a medical condition. I think you'll be disappointed in most of these types for the sake many of them just don't tolerate men and still prefer women or even other transsexuals and transgenders for company. Granted, I m talking about transsexuals who have a compelling medical condition in exclusion to attraction of any sort which isn't every single one out there.

If you want to find transsexuals that are attracted to men and are dressing up and transitioning for the sake of men, you won't normally find those outside of gay culture. Those are the males who transition because they like men, not because they necessarily have a medical condition that warrants transition. Many of these are into entertainment and ----ography, so depending upon where you place your values you may or may not be happy with this type.

There are also straight cultured transsexuals who are attracted to men and are completely female in almost every sense of the word. Either this is something genetic causing them to look female or they we recognized at a young age and got help early from relatives to deal with these issues in a positive way.

That's the gist of it from knowing various transsexuals over the years.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

I think what I am saying is that actual loving and worthwhile relationships forming between men and mtf transsexual are far and few between.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`I think things are being confused and over simplified on this issue. I am a full time pre op ts woman. I love men and always have. The fact that I love men has nothing to do with my gender. I am a woman that just happens to be born with the wrong parts (much like any with a birth defect. Because that is how I view it). I would love men whether I was a gg, ts, or male.

That being said... Because I consider myself a woman that loves men I consider myself straight. If I was a ts woman that likes women I would be gay and bi if I liked both men and women.

I only date straight or bi men. Because gay men would never want a ts woman. Gay men like other men not a woman with breasts, etc.

Everyone needs to stop confusing gender with s----ly orientation.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Does that make me a straight guy then? As I like TG women such as yourself? Post or pre op doesn't bother me as such though

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

It depends what you really want. If you want a woman, then women are everywhere. Transsexuals that identify as women just want straight men and don't usual join any website that don't also function as a support group and that's the only time they would identify themselves as trans-women.

On the other hand there are transsexuals that identify with gay culture and those are usually the most active ones on any website.

The typical scenario is that straight cultured transsexuals won't be attracted to anyone who is attracted to them knowing they are trans (they are creeped out by it) and the gay cultured transsexuals put attention into looking attractive and won't be attracted to anyone who isn't also making an effort to be attractive themselves.

So the reality is that you are more likely to find gay culture transsexuals by indicating that you have an attraction to transsexuals, but only if you are putting an effort into looking attractive yourself.

More than likely if you do find a straight cultured transsexual it would be by complete accident which is ironic because there are probably more trans-women living as everyday women than you would think. This usually backfires on account of your typical straight man rejecting them. So, they reluctantly post profiles to trans dating websites indicating they are trans only to find that the straight men are ignorantly chasing gay cultured transsexuals and acting like every trans-woman out there is a gay cultured transsexual.

When it comes to other trans-women straight cultured transsexuals tend to look down on gay cultured transsexuals when the reality is that they are both seeking the same sort of worthwhile relationships in two totally different ways. Both of them tend to want straight men.

And like I said there are also transsexuals who transition because of a medical condition and they are usually only attracted to women.

So to answer your question it doesn't matter whether or not you are gay or straight. If you are blatantly looking for a transsexual you'll usually only find gay cultured transsexuals or confused transsexuals who have just started transitioning at a mature age. That's the pure fact of the matter.

There actually isn't much of a difference between gay and straight cultured transsexuals when it comes to them being transsexuals, because they are the way they are for many of the same reasons. Taking that, there are straight cultured transsexuals on this website and they usually won't talk to a man unless they are convinced somehow that you'll treat them with respect.

Either way just act normal around them.

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former member default image - bird flying away


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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`lots of sweeping generalisations going on here.
Maybe she is just pragmatic and socially liberal rather than confused, just because it dosnt seem to fit with some peoples model of the way things are.
Labels are useful as a time saving starting point, an indication ... they do not define anybody - for that you have to know them, and then when you do know them the label is irrelevant anymore

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`New here, perhaps the wrong place for me. I'm a straight woman looking for straight men.

I've gone through stages of thinking of myself as MTF, or transwoman, but that's counter productive for me.

I've had success dating straight men, but am curious how I'd be treated in a trans dating site.

I have lots of gay friends, including transsexual's, but none of them are the least bit interested in me as a partner as I'm post-op. I have lots of women friends, lesbian and straight. The straight women, well I'm post-op... Lesbian's seem to be pretty much locked up as TERF's, either in the closet or just straight out hating.

And, yes, men turn me on, now, but it was difficult and confusing before I transitioned. I never had S-- with a man before I had GRS. Never had S-- with a gay man ever. There's more to being gay than who you have S-- with.

If there are any trolls lurking out there, don't bother telling me I'm a Unicorn. I know who I am, and you only know what you know.


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